University of Phoenix Alumni

Monday, October 3, 2011

For Monday, October 3rd, 2011: Business Advocate Blog: Terry Tate: Office Line Backer (3).

For Monday, October 3rd, 2011: Business Advocate Blog: Terry Tate: Office Line Backer (3).
In this YouTube video: (one of many others), NFL linebacker Terry Tate is utilized as a tool to manage staff within a general office environment. Besides being a great piece of comedy, this particular clip covers aspects about ourselves that we often only review when confronted with change or are pushed out of our comfort zone.
·         Expertise
Being utilized within the realm of what we are good at and feeling like we make a difference are important to reinforcing passion and action. We may not always be given the perfect situation in which to use one’s strengths but bringing those strengths to the table, whatever they may be, will always leave the environment better for it. As describe by the increases in productivity at the end of the video clip, Terry’s outrageous physical involvement had positive repercussive effects throughout the depicted organization.
·         Passion
Without question, Terry’s passion permeates each scene in the video clip like the sweat which saturates his clothing on game day. What is parallel to our experience is that there are too few times we bring our expertise with such passion to every possible situation we endeavor on. Imagine what we can do if we hold on to the feeling that passion ignites in us, and use it on call as Terry does.
·         Action
Like a perfect storm, when ones expertise and their passion are guided in the right direction, ones actions can have tremendous effects on goals and the people involved in achieving those goals. Action comes in many forms and can also be on a longer time line with steady consistent input; but when there is a need to act quickly, how hard will you hit?
Closing Comments
The video is funny, intense, and just a bit on the edgy side. I hope that the points I reviewed above help you reignite the passion within whatever you do well, because like many things we may take for granted, it is good to remember that we all have an area where we are experts and that one’s passion can make action much more potent.
Community Response Question
What are your strengths and on a scale of 1 to 10, how often do you utilize them?
Click this link to answer with Survey Monkey:
I look forward to your comments and will address and specific questions as well.